Getting Involved!

Intercessory Prayer

We can never under estimate the power of prayer! None of this work is possible without God and His hand moving in it. Please consider intentionally praying for one of the unreached people groups listed below. Pray that God would soften their hearts to the gospel and that someone would go to share it with them! Click on the photo to learn more about each group!

Another way to be involved is to create your own Intercessory Prayer Group committed to praying for a specific Production Hub and/or a specific unreached people group that we are working with. If this is something you are interested in learning more about, please reach out to us and we would love to get you connected with one of our Production Hubs and/or people groups.

Financial Partnering

All of our work at School to the Nations is 100% donor funded. This includes all the work done at our home base, the equipment for our Production Hubs, and all the funds needed to create each adaptation of “The HOPE” film. If you are interested in partnering with us financially, here are some ways you can give!

Our Production Hubs

Each adaptation requires national believers to give of their time and resources toward being script translators, production leaders, storytellers, and more! To inquire more about supporting an individual film project, please contact us at the button!

Here are a few of our current “The HOPE” films still needing funding.