Little is Much Podcast
You can find the latest episodes of the “Little is Much” podcast below, or you can find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Youtube!
Episode 1 – The Storms In Our Lives
“They finally had given up all hope.” It is the work of the Spirit of God to often bring us to that place where we have nowhere to turn but to Him and to call us to this truth. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.
Episode 2 – Preparing for an Uncharted Future
Facing an uncharted future with all of its fear, anxieties, instabilities and new leaders will require a deeper faith and trust in God
Episode 3 – Moving Forward in the Will of God
Learning how to move forward in the will of God when we face seasons of overwhelming darkness.
Episode 4 – The Great Invitation
Are you thirsty? Tired of yourself and mere religious activities? No purpose in life? No peace, satisfaction? Lifeless, dry, and barren? If so, God has a great invitation for you!
Episode 5 – Running in the Wilderness part 1
Learning to embrace the wilderness as a place of spiritual growth; turning to Him in the lonely places and hard places and seasons of our lives.
Episode 6 – Running in the Wilderness part 2
A Kingdom Established – but who’s? A reminder of the tragedy of God’s people when they insist on having their own way by aligning themselves with the world.
Episode 7 – Running in the Wilderness part 3
God sovereignly arranges circumstances and key encounters with others to get us on His path to learn to trust and obey Him.
Episode 8 – Running in the Wilderness part 4
The lessons learned from choosing our own way based upon the world’s value system of character and out-ward appearance, and God’s patience in giving us time to repent and to develop our character.
Episode 9 – Running in the Wilderness part 5
Through our own human reasoning and forsaking God’s Word, we force our own way forward and our rule in the Kingdom is shaken.
Episode 10 – Running in the Wilderness part 6
When was the last time we heard and trusted God by faith to accomplish something that advances His Kingdom, even when faced with hard things? Have we ever?
Episode 11 – Running in the Wilderness part 7
The self-life is easy to accomplish. We just simply keep doing things that neglect the principals of God’s Word. The spirit-filled life comes with a cost and a cross. We must learn the value of abiding and yielding to Christ so that He, and only He, can crucify our self-life and help us to learn to die to it!
Episode 12 – Running in the Wilderness part 8
The real question for you and I is this – what sounds of disobedience do we hear in our conscience in this season of our life?
Episode 13 – Running in the Wilderness part 9
There are times when God will tell us we have lingered in our self-pity, or anger or unforgiveness or whatever too long! We must move on, for behold, “I am doing something new!”
Episode 14 – Running in the Wilderness part 10
It is easier to stand on the mountain of unbelief with the masses than go down into the valley of faith, with God alone, to face our enemy.
Episode 15 – Running in the Wilderness part 11
Though God gives us the blessing of loved ones (friends, family, jobs, and our church), sometimes in our life He will bring us to a crisis point that strips away everyone and everything we could possibly turn to, leaving us with the choice to lean on and trust in only in Christ alone!
Episode 16 – Running in the Wilderness part 12
The humble man feels no jealousy or envy. He can praise God when others are preferred and blessed before him. He can bear to hear others praised and himself forgotten, because in God’s presence he has learned to say with Paul, “I be nothing” A. Murray – Humility
Episode 17 – Running in the Wilderness part 13
Trials, tribulations, and sufferings are a part of every believer’s life here on earth, and anyone who is teaching otherwise must be tested according to the scriptures, for God is at work in the midst of our sufferings!
Episode 18 – Running in the Wilderness part 14
There are two ways to live – in the carnal, fleshly man, and the Spirit-filled man. These two worlds were clashing in the time of Saul and David, and they still clash today. Which world do you and I live in?
Episode 19 – Running in the Wilderness part 15
David discovered the greatest joy in his trials, that God was in fact his refuge in times of trouble!
Episode 20 – Running in the Wilderness part 16
Where and to whom will we run when in distress and all alone? Will we fall before God in humility and dependence, or will we run to the world for help? We must beware, lest we think we stand!
Episode 21 – Running in the Wilderness part 17
We cannot lead anyone to pursue and depend upon God until we have first led ourselves to find our own hope and strength in God alone!
Episode 22 – Running in the Wilderness part 18
God will bring into our life trial after trial to rid us of our human reasoning and self-deliverance habits. By continually putting us in “enclosed and trapped” places to test us, we can learn to truly depend upon God alone to deliverer us through prayer.
Episode 23 – Running in the Wilderness part 19
One of the hard lessons of being a disciple of Jesus is this truth: it is never what we are doing, but who is doing it! It must be about what God is doing in and through us! Praying, trusting and waiting upon God to act is always the right path.
Episode 24 – Running in the Wilderness part 20
We must choose our battles wisely, Nabal is NOT the real enemy, but Satan is, and he has laid a trap for David. There is a greater battle behind Nabal! And our only hope to discern and guard against the wrong battle in our daily walk is found in Ephesians 5:18… “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.”