Adopting an Unreached People Group

Who are the Unreached?

When the Bible speaks of nations, tribes, tongues, and peoples, it is referring to the same mission – reaching all people with the good news of Jesus Christ! While there are only about 200 countries in the world, missiologists tell us there are over 16,500 nations! With His blood, Jesus purchased people from every tribe and tongue (Revelation 5:9), yet around 7,000 of these nations have yet to be reached with the Gospel!

What does this mean? Most likely these people have:

– No Bible
– No Church
– No Believers among them

– No Missionaries going to them
– No way to know who Jesus is unless someone tells them!

“Go and make disciples of ALL NATIONS…” Matthew 28:19

What is UPG adoption?

As the church, we are called to “Go and make disciples of ALL Nations…” School to the Nations desires to equip and mobilize the local church to do just that!

We partner with local churches to begin engaging the unreached around the world! This begins with connecting to the church and hearing their heart for the nations. Then we get them connected with a specific unreached people group that the church is committed to praying for and making it their specific goal to reach those people with the Gospel.

We then begin training the staff and congregation for how to engage with the people group. This includes hosting a leadership conference, hosting trainings, supplying practical resources and training materials, and serving as a liaison for future outreach trips to the people group.

Get involved

If you are interested in engaging your church with the unreached people groups around the world, we would love to help you get started!

For more resources regarding the unreached people groups around the world, check out the links below: