Extreme Adventure Course
About Our Course
Extreme Adventure began in 1997. From the beginning, our desire has been to help groups of all kinds develop teamwork, unity, communication and leadership qualities. We specialize in equipping and training mission teams, as well as hosting youth groups, college groups, sports teams, corporations, school groups, and even just groups of friends!

High Elements (Temporarily closed)
- The Leap of Faith: The goal is to jump from a 28 foot high platform and catch a trapeze.
- Zip Line: Take a 450 foot ride through the trees!
- The Balance Beam: Walk across a 12 foot beam, 30 feet off the ground.
- The Dangling Duo: With the help of a partner, climb a huge 30 foot swinging ladder.
- Two Line Bridge: Walk across a 15 foot long wire, 35 feet off the ground.
Low Elements
- Alpine Rescue: Simulated rescue operation
- Mountain Tops: Take your team from one platform to the next.
- All Aboard: How many people will fit on one platform?
- Rebirth Tire: Get your entire team through a tire that is 6 feet above the ground.
- Triangle Tension Traverse: Test your strength and balance.
- Mohawk Traverse: Get your team from the beginning to the end, using only each other as you walk on wires.
- The Wall: Your whole group must get over the 15 foot wall.
- Team Traverse: Trade places on the wire with your partner; requires teamwork and balance.
- Spiders Web: Get your team through the spiders web, without waking up the spider.
- Swinging Log: Using balance and concentration, walk across the swinging log.
- Nitro Crossing: Use a swinging rope to get your team to the other side.
- Wild Woozy: Lean on your partner to walk on the wires as they widen.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the minimum group size?
All our elements focus around team building, which means they all require groups of people to complete. Because of this, our minimum group size is 10 participants.
What is the minimum age requirement?
Our minimum age requirement for the course is 12 years old.
Do we have to do highs and lows or can we do one or the other?
If you only want to do lows, we recommend signing your group up for a half-day slot. This will only consist of low elements. Our full day slots are a combination of both high and low elements.
What is the cost per person?
A full day of team building including highs and lows (approx. 9am-4pm) is $40 per participant.
A half day of team building on low elements only (approx. 9-1pm) is $25 per participant.
How do I register my group?
In order to register a group, please follow the link below!
Health Release Forms?
They’re right here! Please fill out one for each member of your group and bring them with you on the day you arrive!